Our West Sussex residential service, Ellasdale Road, has received glowing feedback following a recent Infection Control inspection by the Care Quality Commission. 

The recently published report, following the inspection at the end of March, contains many positive comments in relation to how well the service responded to the Covid pandemic. The report found that staff had supported the people it cares for to understand the pandemic and the reasons for the restrictions in place.

A relative of one of the residents told the inspection team, "When we did see our family member we talked about the virus and I could tell he understood. He wasn't thrown by it. That just proves the staff were obviously explaining things in a way he would understand. It definitely helped to keep him on an even keel."

The report found the people Aspens cares for at the service had been supported to continue an active lifestyle, despite the restrictions caused by the pandemic, with the team helping the residents access the community, go for walks and try new activities, such as online Zumba.

The report states that relatives of those supported spoke positively about the care provided by the service and the way information had been communicated with them throughout the pandemic.

One relative told the inspection team, "The communication has been excellent. They are very open." Another relative said: "The Aspens team have done whatever they can to make it possible for us to visit and I have every confidence."

Well done and congratulations to our team at Ellasdale!

Read the full report here