Burton Cottages is a two storey purpose built dwelling situated in Robertsbridge in the heart of rural East Sussex and within easy walking distance of local shops. The home is split into two cottages, one property supporting four residents and the other property supporting five. We are a short distance from Battle and Hastings and well placed to enable them to take advantage of the variety of local beaches, towns and villages of rural East Sussex.

The environment at Burton Cottages is tailored to the needs of the individuals who live there and is autism specific. All our residents are encouraged to actively participate at the resource centre in Battle or the Roebuck Centre in Hastings. A person-centred approach is paramount to provide an individualised programme of activity and variety of choice, such as, horse riding, swimming, computer skills, catering, cycling, living skills, drama and creative arts is available. This is supported by the same communication systems mentioned earlier to ensure consistency.

Similar activities are carried out at home and everyone is encouraged to carry out independent living skills. These are incorporated in their daily schedules. Additional activities include aromatherapy and massage, personal music sessions and visits by other caring professionals such as chiropodists. Weekend activities include trips to the local beaches, parks, places of historical interest, pub lunches and identified interests. All the residents living at Burton Cottages have active involvement and are encouraged to have as much involvement as possible toward the input in the day to day running, choices and plans for the future where possible, alongside regular input from their families and parents who visit or contact regularly.

Burton Cottages has undergone major refurbishment. 9 en-suite bedrooms with extended living space. The additional personal space has created a positive effect on all the residents. Each resident have their own personalised bedroom and communal areas and are encouraged to actively participate in developing life skills. People with autism need a very structured life style so each person has their own timetable of daily activities so they know what is happening next..


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Burton Cottages
CQC overall rating
Requires improvement