Our Bluebell Café may have been closed to the public due to the COVID situation this month, but the team have been keeping busy providing meals for the people we support! 

Café Manager Alice Foard came up with the brilliant idea to help out by supplying our houses with delicious hot meals to ease the pressure and free up time for our amazing support staff, who have been working exceptionally hard as COVID infections have been on the rise once again.

Over the past four weeks Alice and the Café team, Liza Nicholson, Emma Learmouth and Emma Lawrence, have been providing meals for seven of Aspens’ houses, and providing a different menu each week.

 Alice said: “It’s been hard work but great fun! The meals have gone down a treat. We’ve had so many positive comments and thanks from the staff and people we support – everyone has been so grateful. A big thanks to my fantastic team who’ve been really helpful and supportive in making this happen!”

 We hope to re-open The Bluebell Café to the public soon, keep an eye on our website and social media pages for updates.

More information on our Bluebell Café here.