We're celebrating Learning Disability Week and this year the theme is all about busting the myths about living life with a learning disability. The week, organised by Mencap, is celebrating the incredible things that people with a learning disability achieve, "smashing misconceptions and shining a light on the stigma many still face every day". 

Shane lives in one of Aspens' supported living residences in Kent. He loves rock music and after hearing about Aspens' support worker Lyn Pilkington's trip to Download Music Festival last year told her this was something he'd really like to do. Lyn and Shane went to Download together for the weekend earlier this month. 

Shane said: "I really enjoyed it and was so happy to be there. The best bit was seeing Slipknot and Metallica. I never thought I could do something like this, but now I know I can. Download is all about the Metal family, nobody judges you. If someone else with a learning disability wanted to go to a festival like that, I'd say go for it!"

Lyn said: “After I went to Download last year Shane asked me if 'someone like him' could go. I told him that people of all abilities can go and decided to support him to fulfill his dream and go this year. He loved it so much and was really living his best life. I queued for an hour and a half to get him the sweatshirt he wanted – it was important to me that Shane had the best experience ever. It was so rewarding empowering Shane to be able to have this amazing experience. We really did have the best time and Shane got to experience the festival for himself. He's already wanting to book tickets for next year!"