How Aspens works Aspens offers 100 years of experience and expertise to more than 700 people including adults, young people and children with diverse specialist needs, all over the south east of England. Our dedicated staff teams number over five hundred people. We provide full-time residential facilities, supported living and a dedicated community outreach team supporting people throughout west Kent and Sussex. We also have day centres in Kent and Sussex offering local resources and facilities, combined with community based activities. Visitors to our Kent Day Services in Pembury can learn how to cook, take pottery and art classes, use our sensory room, use our IT room or join our horticultural team potting plants and growing vegetables. Each person supported by Aspens is given a personalised support plan which is reviewed every six months to reflect their choices and interests. Our aim is to support our service users to live as independently as possible and to integrate with society and their local community. Manage Cookie Preferences Chat with us, powered by LiveChat